Presbyterian Women just started a new study, Sacred Encounters, by Olive Mahabir. Within this study , Olive Mahabir invites you to consider Jesus, 'the good shepherd' (Luke 10:15), who shared the Good News through sacred encounters with everyday people. The Gospel According to Luke and the book of Acts of the Apostles, or Luke-Acts 'one story in two parts', demonstrate the unfolding of God's redemptive purposes in human history and present a distinctive perspective on the person and work of Jesus Christ. Written by Luke, a physician and traveling companion of Paul, the message to the early Christian community (and to us) is radical, inclusive, and hope-filled.
All are invited to jump in on this study at any time. Books are $12 per person and you are invited to join one of the Circle Groups to be involved in this study.
Evening Circle: First Tuesday of the month at 6pm. Contact Julie Benner for more information 254-228-3252 or email:
Morning Circle: Second Tuesday of the month at 9:30am. Contact Pat Wurster 254-771-0220 or email:
Jennie Shull Circle: Third Thursday of the month at noon. Contact Patti Smith at 254-541-6127 or email: