Meals on Wheels - started in 1985 as a need seen by a concerned member. The program has grown over the years and currently serves over 20 meals per week to senior adults in the Temple community every Tuesday and Thursday. The program can always use more volunteers to serve as cooks or drivers. Contact the church office if interested in helping.
Feed My Sheep - Grace contributes by providing a hot meal and a sack lunch various times throughout the year, in addition to monthly financial support for the operations of FMS. FMS is entirely run by volunteers so every dollar received goes right back into helping the
neediest in our community.
Churches Touching Lives For Christ (CTLC) - CTLC is an ecumenical organization of churches working with the support of area business and social service organizations. To meet basic human needs on a temporary and/or emergency basis. The staff is composed entirely of volunteers who assist 200 plus families per week. CTLC embraces all ethnic and age groups and has tens of thousands of clients on file that have received aid. CTLC is presently supported by over 30 area churches and numerous business and social service organizations and serves Temple and all rural areas within east Bell County.
Family Promise - Family Promise of East Bell County is an interfaith, nonprofit organization that exists to help homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response. Grace houses homeless familiesvarious times throughout the year and provides dinner along with other local churches.
Church Under the Bridge - Worships in Waco and includes homeless, low income and local people. Grace helps provide hot breakfasts to those attending worship.
Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services (PCHAS) - Provides care and support to children and families in need and maintains an office at Grace.
Neighbors Mentoring Program - Connects young male probationers and adult mentors at monthly dinners to help the probationers complete their probation and deal with challenging life issues.
Presbyterian Pan American School - a Christian International College preparatory school in Kingsville, Texas that educates young adults for Christian leadership in the global community.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance - these domestic mission trips provide
volunteers with experience that includes everything from clean-up to new construction to those affected by natural disasters.
Living Waters for the World/Solar Under the Sun - provides clean water to communities in need as well as solar power to provide electricity for the water systems when needed.
Paul Both/South Sudan Education Mission - provide education to children and adults to empower them to solve problems in their own communities and support the rebuilding and development of the Republic of South Sudan.
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) is an Easter offering that provides relief from natural and human-caused disasters as well as food for the hungry and support for the poor and oppressed around the world.
Christmas Joy Offering provides support to retired and active church workers and their families as well as support for education at Presbyterian related schools and colleges.
Grace Presbyterian Mission Grants are provided to support the following: University of the Ozarks, Families in Crisis, Ralph Wilson Youth Club, and the Unincluded Club are to name a few.